
Noob VS Monsters

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About: Noob VS Monsters

Noob VS Monsters is an action arcade game that combines strategic defense with intense combat. The player transforms into a brave player armed with a bow and arrow, you must fight against the scary monsters and zombies that threaten your home. Build defensive structures, upgrade your arsenal and prepare for increasingly difficult waves of enemies.

How to play Noob VS Monsters:

Use your bow and arrow to shoot and destroy the incoming monsters. Your main goal is to protect your home from being flooded. Build various blocks in front of the house to increase protection. These walls and floors can slow down and stop enemies, giving you more time to kill them.

Buy different kinds of arrows with the money you get from killing monsters. Each type of arrow has its own advantages such as increased damage or special effects, helping you easily deal with stronger enemies.

The game is divided into 12 nights, each night will be more difficult than the previous night. To stay alive, you need to change your plan and make your protection stronger. You must adjust your strategy and improve your defenses to survive. On the twelfth night, you will face a dangerous boss. Prepare for this fierce battle by upgrading your arrows and strengthening your defense.


  • Aim and shoot: Use your mouse or touch controls.
  • Build buildings: Click or tap the screen.
  • Arrow upgrades: Visit the in-game store to buy and upgrade different types of arrows with the money you earn.

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